• Board Members in Attendance: Dave Blazek, JR Abbott, Marcie Langerhans, Sham Billah, Randy Gurak, John Callaway, Blair Pink, Melissa Cross
• Treasurer’s Report shows the following monies: Operating Fund/$12,900, Pavilion Fund/$5,700, Capital Fund/$5,000, Playground Fund/$7,000
• Pavilion Electrical Work. Due to delays in work by initial contractor, the Bard voted to send a cease work order and voted unanimously to secure another contractor to finish the work immediately.
• Insurance Report. John Callaway secured prices to renew insurance for the VFMA and facilities. Prices only rose a few hundred dollars. Board voted unanimously to pay the fees and renew the policies. Checks have been sent and policies have been renewed.
• New Neighbors Party Review. Melissa Cross presented update of Septembers New Neighbors Party. In reviewing reports there seems to be some interest in considering a change to format and/or date … possibly and outdoor gathering with kids being allowed in order to make the party more convenient for parents of younger children. Decisions were tabled until we get closer to next year’s gathering.
• Membership Drive. Membership Drive has raised paid membership to 152 in three months. Continuing efforts are hampered by problems with the new database system we’re using. Board voted to hire a web expert to solve the problem. Dave will find and interview help so we can move forward.
• Oktoberfest Update. Plans are moving forward with organizing the 10/21 Oktoberfest. Randy is soliciting volunteers with the help of Sharon Cichocki. Dave is organizing Beer Tent. Dave and Caryn Lucia are finding music. Some volunteers have been recruited. We could use a few more.
• Friend Of The Mountain Program. Discussion continues around the creation of a Friend of the Mountain Award to be periodically awarded to volunteers who contribute to the neighborhood in exceptional ways. Dave is fleshing out the program.
• Basketball Court Resurfacing. Board is discussing repairing and resurfacing the basketball court at the Sun Bowl. JR is obtaining quotes to see what the costs would be. Zach Nyce is investigating costs to replace and/or repair basketball backboards and rims.
• Directory. Many people have been asking for a new printed Neighborhood Directory. The Directory is delayed until we can work out the database issues we’re experiencing. See Membership Drive entry above.
• Bylaw Changes. Discussion continues about updating bylaws to move away from 60-year-old Bins Tract restrictions. John Callaway is researching where we stand and what can be done. Entire membership will eventually have to vote on issue.
• Other Business. A significant amount of time was spent discussing how to find new board members from a variety of groups. Three current board members will soon roll off the board and we’re eager to find new people and new perspectives. Also discussed, the possibility of moving next year’s Dinner Dance from the Phoenixville CC to a new nearby location. Also discussed was adding a new and more casual adult event. Possibilities suggested include a country-themed event at Grove behind the firehouse and possibly reviving a neighborhood Bowling event.