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1. Attendees: Dave Blazek, John Callawy, Sham Billah, Melissa Cross, Randy Gurak, Blair Pink, Kamila Jodzio (Guest), plus a group of prospective board members. See #2.


2. Board welcomed a group of prospective members considering joining the board. That group included: Rami Disrani, Kat McCarthy, Claudia Trammel, Tracy Seggern and Syntel Novielo. Dave wentt over history of the VFMA and basic board operations.


3. Kamila Jodzio presented the results of her survey of propective new venues for the annual dinner dance. She whittled it down to two options: Phoenixville CC and Rivercrest CC. Kamila presented a monetary comparison between the two. After some discussion, the board voted unanimously to hold the davne at Rivercrest. Date is set for April 6, 2024. Kamila will begin forming a committe to flesh out detaiuls and final pricing.


4. JR Abbott gave the Treasurer’s report ... We have $14K in our Operating Account ... Insurance and taxes for the Sun Bowl have been paid for this year ... The Pavilion fund has been paid out ... Board voted to pay extra fees incurred by scouts who installed the brick pavers in front of the kiosk pending examination oif the receipts ... JR has organized the annual books audit. This is where we invite three VFMA members who are not on the board to come in and examine all our books and financial procedures. The audit wilkl take place on 1/15/23 at JR’s home. Tom Heisey, Ron Johnston and Patty Eglin have volunteered to do the audit. ...  Blair Pink has agreed to take over the Treasurer role when JR’s board term expiures this year. JR will begin bringing Blair up to speed immediately.


5. Dave Blazek updated everyone on membership. We now have 152 paying members and will make another membership push in the next nonth or so. Dave also has tasked the web expert we’ve retained with developing training videos for all board members so management of the VFMA website is centralized n one person’s hands. The board believes we can push membership above 200.


6. Dave Blazek & Blair Pink gave an update on the holiday Food Drive. It was a big success. Forty-three households contributed. We delivered near 1200 pounds of food and supoplies the the Phoenixville PACS Food Bank, enough to provide for 371 families over the holidays and beyond. Board agreed to make this an annual event with the possibility of doing it in June as well as in December.


7. John Callaway updated the group on the bylaw change project. John culminated months of research and legal consulation and issued the speciic proposal for moderniizing the VFMA bylaws. The board unanimously approved the changes and moved to put them to a full membership vote at the 1/31/24 annual meeting. Dave will post details of the proposed changes on the website as well as email th einfo to every paid member in advance of the meeting.


8. Discussion was had about current board members who will roll off the board in coming months. John Callaway and Randy Gurak’s terms will end as of the end of January. JR Abbiott will roll off as soon as he can train his replacement. Dave Blazek will roll off as President and board member when his six-year term on the boiard ends in March. Dave will work with the propective board members to roll them onto the board. Membership can vote on these new members at the 1/31/24 Annual meeting.


9. JR obtained a waterproof/fireproof safe to store key VFMA documents. Safe will be in a central location and accessible to board members. Board felt a strong need to collect, protect and preserve several physical documents that have been scattered about in people’s homes over the years.


10. In other business ... board voted to allow a local dance troupe to, as in previous years, use the Sun Bowl for a dance revue n 4/17, provided they make a donation, show insurance coverage and abide by the newly estabklished Pavilion guidelines. ... board is reviewing proposed Eagle Scout projects involving the Sun Bowl ... Kat McCarthy has agreed to run the 4th of July picnic this year. ... board offered to help promote open mic night at the firehouse on 4/19.


11. Meeting adjourned at 8:40.

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