VFMA Board Meeting
May 16, 2024 – 6:30 PM
@ The Pavilion
Attendees: Sham, Melissa, Claudia, Syntel, Zach, Remi and Kat
1. Treasurer’s Report – Blair (to be submitted later)
2. Past Events
Dinner Dance follow up – Sham to contact Kamila for survey; Tracy
provided input; Also did we pay for everything or if there are other
expenses; Blair to confirm
Spring Clean up went well
Hootenany raised over $2,000 despite weather
3. Upcoming Events
Summer Food Drive (PACS- June) – Claudia provided more
information, was decided to collect stuff at the sunbowl the day of; June &
November are months with most needs; PACS has list of items they in need
VFMA Summer Concert – Sham noted it would be about $1,000 for
the band; It was decided that we don’t have enough funds to cover that; once
the capital fund has more money saved say $10K we can revisit
4. Pavilion
Woodpecker Damage at Pavilion – Zach did fix holes and stain,
need to have stain
Engineer’s Inspection Report – Sham needs to submit; Syntel will
look into letterhead design for VFMA
5. Sunbowl
Extra trash cans - Claudia to contact AJ Blosenski (SP?) to pick up the
3 extra trash cans; they are not suitable for event use; We need to look into
permanent closed top trash can for the park; new ones are expensive; need
to shop around: If AJ Blosenski doesn’t pick up will put cans in dumpster for
stair demo; The cans were emptied and turned upside down to prevent further
trash accumulation
Stair Demo – Pool to keep deck as it’s structurally sound; need to
coordinate with them on demo of the stairs; should ask or volunteers; maybe
pool folks will also help; will need to be done on same day because stair
opening to deck will need to be closed off
6. VFMA Sign Restoration – Sham noted Eileen Blazek will look at it; She
already picked up folder from Melissa
7. Membership Drive/Welcome – Claudia left bags for new homes; has
enough cards for now, previous cards were expensive; suggested using Vistaprint or
other printer next time
8. VFMA Website
Training & Other Updates – Syntel is all set; Need to establish 1 email address –
all agreed
9. Anything else?
Need to start looking into Pool lease terms; discuss next meeting –when in 2025
does lease expire?
Name Boards for playground wall should be restored; Kat volunteered; No rush
but we do need to do something
10. Next Meeting – June 20 th ; at the Pavillion
Sunbowl Maintenance & Playground Liaison – Blair & Kat
Website & Social Media (Facebook, Google) – Syntel/Rami
Pool Lease/Insurance/Legal - Tracy
Membership – Claudia/Syntel & Sham